This is the whimsical story of a couple who decided to leave their comfortable suburban life in Canada and embark on a journey of exploration and self-discovery by living on board their sailboat and cruising the Mediterranean. More of a travelogue than a sailing how-to, this book takes the readers through the joys and challenges of the cruising life.
Starting with how they became attracted to sailing in their hometown in southern Ontario, through how they acquired the sailing skills and competencies for sailing in open waters, selecting a suitable boat, to sailing and visiting exotic countries throughout the Mediterranean, the book is written with poise and humor. It is about life under the perpetual blue sky, on the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the fascinating and varied cultures and histories from the Middle East to the Tuscan Islands, the warm and friendly people they met, the challenges of the boating life, and the irresistible cuisines.
A Warm Sea contains enough details on sailing to whet the appetite of the readers who are sailors, while introducing the world of boat handling to non-sailors without getting technical. For the arm-chair sailors and dreamers, this book vividly illustrates how a couple-next-door pursued and realized their dream. Yes, you can do it too!